The Case for Including Video Marketing in Your 2017 Budget
It’s hard to stand out with so much information on the Internet. Adding video marketing to your digital marketing strategy can help engage your audience.

HEO or SEO? What Is More Important When Creating Content?
HEO is becoming just as important as SEO when creating content. HEO, or human eye optimization, is when you write for the readers, not the search engines.

Tis the Season to Be Thankful!
With the holiday season upon us, the CommonPlaces team spent some time sharing what they were thankful for and loved this time of year.

Ecommerce SEO Trends We Learned From 2016
With the ecommerce industry continuing to thrive, here are our top ecommerce SEO trends that we learned in 2016.

Is It Time to Give Your Website a Check-Up?
A website checkup measures and analyzes website performance through various website analyzer tools to check browser compatibility and optimal user experience.

How to Avoid 6 Common Pitfalls of Homepage Design
A list of some of the most common pitfalls of homepage design that you should try and avoid on your next home page make over.