This won’t be a long post, but I wanted to offer a quick thought for your Friday afternoon. If you’ve logged into Twitter at some point in the past day or so, you might have noticed “IE6 Must Die” in the Trending Topics list.

In case you’ve forgotten, this serves as the perfect reminder that the average Twitter user is not so “average.” With all the attention Twitter has received in the last six months or so, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that not everyone is on Twitter. I’m guilty of this mistake myself. The fact is, though, that Twitter is still overwhelmingly comprised of tech-minded, Internet-savvy people. How else could something like broswer preference become one of the leading topics of discussion? Here’s what happens if you search Facebook for “IE 6”:

It’s not even been mentioned enough to be entered into their Lexicon of trending terms. Am I making this point to marginalize Twitter, or discourage people from using it? Absolutely not. My goal is only to offer a bit of perspective – just something to think about.