CommonPlaces helps you navigate the difference between web hosting and site maintenance.

Should My Business Create a Customer Portal Website?
How a business can benefit from creating a branded membership website.

Is Your Website Ready for the New Year?
Elements that should be included in your website development plan and marketing plan to get the most value out of new online marketing efforts.

Benefits of Building a Website with Open Source Software
When building a website, deciding between open source software or a proprietary CMS is important. Here are some benefits of open source and why we like it.
The New Year is Upon Us! Our Top 10 Blogs from 2021
2021 has been an exciting year for all of us at CommonPlaces. Check out our top blog posts of 2021!
Five Helpful Drupal Modules You May Not Be Using
Let’s explore the most popular and efficient Drupal modules that every Drupal developer should consider using.