Using Google Analytics G4 as a marketing tool to predict the future and closely follow the customer journey to maximize your website’s effectiveness.

Google Tag Manager: How and Why to Use This Free Tool
Tips on using Google Tag Manager (GTM) as a marketing tool to tag by type, name, and detail to positively impact your marketing efforts.

Google Search Console: How It Can Benefit Your Marketing Strategy
Tips on using Google Search Console as a marketing tool for your SEO keyword research and positively impact your marketing efforts.

Page Speed Optimization – From the Ground, Up
Learn why a quick loading page will help your site reach higher search engine results, and how to optimize your web content for faster page load times.

SEO vs User Experience: What Does Google Care About?
Google cares about both SEO and User Experience and it’s important to pay attention to both in respect to your web design and development efforts.

Mobile First: Is Your website designed with Mobile in Mind?
Mobile-first design is not only a great strategy to keep in mind when designing your site, but it is quickly becoming the gold standard.